History of
Pomona Methodist Church

In March 1884, this church was organized as Benedict Memorial Church, financed by the estate of
Marissa Benedict Peeke. Ms. Peeke and some family are buried on the church grounds. The property was donated by H. B. Lindsley and dedicated to the trustee of the Benedict Memorial Church. In 1919, the property was transferred to the Methodist Church. For a year or two, many ministers preached as visitors of pastors preaching once or twice monthly. Benjamin Dodge, a minister who was instrumental in founding Pleasant Hill Academy was spoken of as the first
Pastor. H. E. Partridge became a leader after a period of changing ministers or no minister. He was soon called to preach and served the congregation for several years.
Over the course of many years, the church developed with the leadership of many ministers and the
efforts of people in the community. After a “Big Revival” in 1919, it is noted that there were approximately 100 people attending Sunday School Class. Since the church was only 24’ by 36’, it became apparent that more space was needed. Plans were made to add three Sunday School rooms adding 700 square feet. This addition seemed to take care of the needs of the church for the next 40 years.
In January 1965, the church burned, and the building was a complete loss. In 1967, the new building was completed. Mr. Donnie Farris had drawn the architectural plans according to ideas that had been formed by members visiting different churches. The Plaque denoting Pomona United Methodist Church 1884 had been saved from the fire and was hung over the door of the new building. In June 1999, Aunt Myrtle West’s property was purchased at auction and PUMC acquired the acreage and house that adjoined the existing grounds. A new fellowship hall (gym), outdoor pavilion, new kitchen and baptistery were added as needed with a growing congregation.
Today, we enjoy a beautiful new sanctuary that was completed in the spring of 2007. Easter Sunday
was celebrated in the new building. Our facilities were built through the faith and love of our people. Church and community members provided much of the labor for over a hundred years. The new sanctuary was paid off in 2009 by a donation from the estate of Agnes Barton. The note was burned, and the sanctuary was Dedicated on December 6, 2009.
 The church continued to work in its mission until 2020 when Covid-19 changed everything. During Covid attendance dropped down to 25-30 people. However, the people of Pomona started
returning to church even when it was advised not to. The church started to grow
again in 2021 and 2022. with a tent revival in the summer of 2022.
In 2022 and 2023 Pomona had several long-time key members pass away. They had kept the church going through lean times through much prayer and hope in our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ! They prayed for a future and a return to being a church who with God’s help could make a difference in the Kingdom of God and the community. Their prayers are continuing to be answered as Pomona continues to grow and expand its ministries!
In the spring of 2023 after much prayer and consideration the congregation voted unanimously to
disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church! The church changed its name back to Pomona Methodist Church becoming an independent church. God continues to bless Pomona Methodist Church as we strive to serve the Kingdom of God and people of this community.