Pomona United Methodist Church is now ready to start accepting electronic donations and payments!
Simply click on the WebPay Link below; also have text and phone app options below
WebPay Link:https://www.eservicepayments.com/cgi-bin/Vanco_ver3.vpsappver3=wWsk24ZWJSTZKsGd1RMKlg0BDvsSG3VIWQCPJNNxD8upkiY7JlDavDsozUE7KG0nFx2NSo8LdUKGuGuF396vbRUqODfF5LogZRtt_OIbcc0iYnTg5dP4O6rpX5QvPEWlBhHDN59kLZFffwKfYERpQjurB57yTDVvyzR2yw-igRA=&ver=3https://www.eservicepayments.com/cgi-bin/Vanco_ver3.vps?appver3=wWsk24ZWJSTZKsGd1RMKlg0BDvsSG3VIWQCPJNNxD8upkiY7JlDavDsozUE7KG0nFx2NSo8LdUKGuGuF396vbRUqODfF5LogZRtt_OIbcc0iYnTg5dP4O6rpX5QvPEWlBhHDN59kLZFffwKfYERpQjurB57yTDVvyzR2yw-igRA=&ver=3
GivePlus Text Phone Number: 833-306-4973
Requiring no further set-up!
Get started with GivePlus Mobile and GivePlus Text today!
GivePlus Mobile App
GivePlus Text
Please see the attached easy-to-follow plan and visit our online Resource Center to help in introducing your members to GivePlus.
Congratulations, you are on your way to delivering eGiving services to your community!
If we can help, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team with any questions about GivePlus or logging into your account at 800.675.7430 option 1.